TMJ Surgery

Dr. David Mueller
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TMJ Surgery

Comprehensive, compassionate, and contemporary treatment by a board-certified specialist.

The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is a small joint located in front of the ear. It is made up of the skull base, the temporal bone, and the mandible or lower jaw. The mandible is the only bone in the body that has two joints – the right and left TMJs.

TMJ disorders have a variety of symptoms. These may consist of headaches, earaches, jaw pain, clogged ears, jaw locking, clicking, popping, grinding, muscle spasms and changes in occlusion (bite).

TMJ Surgery Information

Causes of TMJ Disorders &
Proper Diagnosis

Trauma may play a role in TMJ disorders, but the disease is multifactorial. There is no scientific proof that sounds, such as clicking and popping, lead to serious problems. In fact, jaw sounds are common. Painless clicking and popping are not considered abnormal and do not warrant treatment. Research disputes the contemporary belief that a bad bite or orthodontic braces can trigger TMJ Disorders. However, our patient statistics show that a majority have a class II malocclusion (large overbite). New research, however, concludes that there is a strong to moderate relationship between depression or anxiety and Temporomandibular joint disorders. This new research found that symptoms of depression were more strongly related to joint pain, while anxiety disorders and symptoms were linked to muscle pain. Likewise, there is strong evidence that issues related to estrogen contribute to degenerative joint disease of the TMJs. this is reflected in the female:male incidence of 10:1.

In order to properly treat TMJ disorders, it is very important to make the correct diagnosis. The causes of TMJ disorders can be placed into four basic categories:

  1. Myofascial Pain Dysfunction (MPD) or parafunctional habits such as tooth grinding and cheek chewing.
  2. Internal derangements of the joint characterized by changes in the cartilage.
  3. Degenerative joint diseases such as Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis.
  4. Pathology such as tumors

Myofascial Pain Dysfunction (MPD)

Now classified as a psycho-physiologic disorder that is usually brought on by stress and anxiety. Clenching and grinding of the teeth then create fatigue in the jaw muscles causing pain, muscle spasms and headaches. Patients also experience difficulty in moving the jaw and joint symptoms. This may in turn cause clicking, popping, and locking in the joint. This is why it is important to make the correct diagnosis. MPD symptoms can mimic more advanced TMJ issues. The treatments are vastly different. If you undergo a surgical procedure for an MPD problem, joint problems may be triggered.

Internal Joint Derangements

Diagnosed when the cartilage (meniscus or disc) that is located between the bones of the joint becomes displaced or dislocated. A displaced disc can cause clicking or popping sounds, limit jaw movement, including locking or dislocating, and cause pain when the jaw is opened and closed. As the disc is stretched or displaced more forward, the connective tissue attachments that also contain the blood vessels and nerve endings now assumes the role of the cartilage. The problem is that this tissue has none of the shock-absorbing characteristics that cartilage does. The disc or its attachments can develop a hole or perforation, which can produce a grating or grinding noise upon opening and closing. All of these findings can cause inflammation and joint effusions which can cause mild to severe pain.

Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD), or Osteoarthritis

Can be the result of trauma, MPD, or Internal Joint Derangements that advance without treatment, and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Rheumatic diseases refer to a large group of disorders that cause pain, inflammation, and stiffness in the joints, muscles, and bone. DJD and RA can both affect the TMJ causing inflammation of the joint tissues. The exact relationship between these conditions is not known.

Pathology and Tumors

Although rare, can cause facial pain and TMD symptoms. Most tumors of the TMJ are benign. However, proper work-up, including proper imaging studies, is paramount in making the proper diagnosis.

What will my treatment involve?

Dr. Mueller will not perform any treatment unless it is deemed absolutely necessary.

The first and most important goal of treatment is to make the proper diagnosis. Once it is determined whether you have MPD, an internal joint derangement, degenerative joint disease, or tumor, the treatment phase begins. At Virginia Facial Surgery, Dr. Mueller separates treatments into two main types: reversible and irreversible therapies. Basically, reversible treatments can be initiated and terminated without permanent changes if they are not effective. All reversible therapies are utilized prior to the consideration of irreversible treatments which are comprised of surgical interventions. This is where Dr. Mueller’s extensive training separates him from most doctors in Hampton Roads. Dr. Mueller is extensively trained in 100% of the available treatments for TMJ disorders. Most doctors can only provide some of the reversible therapies. For this reason, many doctors treat surgical candidates conservatively because that is the extent of their training.

Reversible therapies include the following:
Irreversible therapies include the following:

Dr. Mueller trained at the University of Illinois. Michael Reese Hospital TMJ Center. At that time, the FDA had halted the use of all TMJ prostheses in the U.S. due to catastrophic failures with the Teflon-Proplast implant. University of Illinois was one of two centers in the U.S. to treat (remove) these implants, rehabilitate the recipients, and to develop a new TMJ prosthesis. Dr. Mueller assisted Dr. Louis Mercuri in the research phase of the articular fossa-eminence prosthesis which is now the FDA-approved Stryker / TMJ Concepts Total Joint Prosthesis – a CADCAM titanium TMJ prosthesis. Dr. Mueller has over 30 years of experience with TMJ Total Joint Prosthetics and is the only surgeon in the entire Greater Hampton Roads area who performs this procedure. Dr. Mueller places on average 30 or more total joint prosthetics per year.

Dr. Mueller only treats un-resolving pain, dysfunction (painful clicking/popping/locking/dislocating), and degenerative/pathologic problems with surgery. Surgery is the final stage of treatment. Dr. Mueller will not perform any surgical procedure unless it is absolutely indicated.


Schedule a Consultation

The consultation is perhaps the most important time spent between the doctor, staff, and patient. It is paramount that patients feel relaxed and be prepared to talk and listen. Some patients are nervous when it comes to talking to someone about their cosmetic concerns.

Please feel free to bring a spouse or friend along. It is always good to discuss the treatment at some point with a caregiver or support person.

We will address your concerns, and at the same time, Dr. Mueller will fully evaluate your facial features. He will then discuss the comprehensive changes of aging and the available options to improve and enhance your look. We will discuss your health history and how it relates to safe surgery and anesthesia. Please be prepared to discuss your medical history and have a list of all the medications that you are taking. This includes all supplements and over-the-counter medications. It is also important to know if you smoke and how much.

Missy-Dr. Mueller Scheduling Coordinator

Dr. Mueller always reminds patients that facial cosmetic surgery is a want or desire to look better. There are always multiple options for rejuvenation and he will discuss various treatment options. We encourage you to take notes since we will be discussing many things. We will provide you with a list of procedures we discussed as well as their costs. We want all of our patients to feel satisfied with their cosmetic surgery results.

Cosmetic Consultation

Dr. David Mueller Virginia Facial Surgery Contact Us

The Consultation

Thank you for your interest in scheduling a consultation with Dr. Mueller. Please fill out the form below, and our team will contact you to confirm your appointment.

By submitting this form, you agree to be contacted by Dr. Mueller’s office regarding your consultation request. We respect your privacy and will not share your information with any third parties.