Wisdom Teeth & Extractions

Dr. David Mueller
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Wisdom Teeth & Extractions

Preserving oral health and longevity.

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, develop and erupt into the mouth between the ages of 16 and 25 (the age of wisdom). When they are unable to fully enter the mouth, they are said to be “impacted.” This is usually due to a lack of room. Our jaws are evolving, and due to our refined diet, they are developing shorter. Therefore, the wisdom teeth become impacted. 9 out of 10 people have at least one wisdom tooth.

Wisdom Teeth & Extractions Information

If impacted wisdom teeth are left in the mouth, they can cause damage to neighboring teeth, become infected, or develop other pathologic conditions. Because the third molar area is difficult to keep clean, infections can develop and spread throughout the body. Cysts and other tumors can develop and cause destruction of the jaw bones, teeth, nerves and other structures. Removal of the wisdom teeth can improve and prevent these untoward events.

The Wisdom Teeth & Extraction Procedure

What to Expect Before & After

Dr. Mueller typically performs the removal of wisdom teeth with local or IV anesthesia. Patients are asked to refrain from eating or drinking for 6 hours prior to their procedure if they are to have IV anesthesia. Once asleep, local anesthesia (numbing) is administered, the wisdom teeth are removed, and the areas are closed with dissolving stitches. The numbness will last 6 – 8 hours and the stitches will dissolve in about a week.

Once the procedure is complete, you will spend a brief time in the recovery room and then are allowed to go home. Dr. Mueller asks that you keep your head elevated and use ice packs on and off for about 48 hours. You should start with clear liquids, then non-chew food and then begin taking your prescriptions. Swelling peaks at 48 – 72 hours. By the 3rd or 4th day, the swelling should typically be resolved. Most patients have the procedure done on a Friday and are back to school or work the following Monday.

Tooth Extraction Procedure

Teeth may need to be removed for a number of reasons, usually due to extensive decay, periodontal disease, cracks, or trauma resulting in painful, abscessed and/or loose teeth. Dr. Mueller will evaluate your specific problem and recommend the proper treatment options, including the options of local or general anesthesia. He will explain the procedures and make sure that you fully understand your treatment ahead of time. If your dentist has recently taken x-rays which show all of the teeth in question, please bring them with you to your appointment. We will provide you with post-operative instructions, extra gauze and a prescription for pain medication or antibiotics (if indicated) after your treatment is complete. You can expect mild to moderate discomfort for a few days following the procedure. There may be some swelling, stretching of your lip, or bruising. In general, you should start to feel better after 2-3 days. If you do not, please let us know.

If you prefer to have sedation or general anesthesia, a preoperative anesthesia evaluation appointment is mandatory. This allows us the opportunity to review your medical history, determine what procedure(s) are needed and otherwise prepare you for your procedure.


Schedule a Consultation

The consultation is perhaps the most important time spent between the doctor, staff, and patient. It is paramount that patients feel relaxed and be prepared to talk and listen. Some patients are nervous when it comes to talking to someone about their cosmetic concerns.

Please feel free to bring a spouse or friend along. It is always good to discuss the treatment at some point with a caregiver or support person.

We will address your concerns, and at the same time, Dr. Mueller will fully evaluate your facial features. He will then discuss the comprehensive changes of aging and the available options to improve and enhance your look. We will discuss your health history and how it relates to safe surgery and anesthesia. Please be prepared to discuss your medical history and have a list of all the medications that you are taking. This includes all supplements and over-the-counter medications. It is also important to know if you smoke and how much.

Missy-Dr. Mueller Scheduling Coordinator

Dr. Mueller always reminds patients that facial cosmetic surgery is a want or desire to look better. There are always multiple options for rejuvenation and he will discuss various treatment options. We encourage you to take notes since we will be discussing many things. We will provide you with a list of procedures we discussed as well as their costs. We want all of our patients to feel satisfied with their cosmetic surgery results.