Facial Implants

Dr. David Mueller
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Facial Implants

Transform Your Appearance with Facial Implants

Facial implants can address concerns related to the size and shape of your chin, whether from natural development or external trauma. Dr. Mueller provides comprehensive evaluations and a range of procedures, including genioplasty and chin implants, to enhance your facial harmony and achieve your desired aesthetic.

Facial Implants Procedure Information

Virginia Facial Surgery
Facial Implant Procedures

Chin Implants & Jowl Implants

Dr. Mueller's Expert Techniques

Surgery is usually performed under IV Sedation or IV general anesthesia. The surgery is done either through the mouth or through a small incision under the chin. The procedure can sometimes be done by placing a prosthetic implant. In more advanced cases, Dr. Mueller completely repositions your chin bone in the best possible position. This is usually performed when the chin needs to be lengthened. It is not unusual to combine genioplasty and chin implants with face lift and liposculpture procedures or jaw surgery to improve the profile and the neck drape. The chin implant procedure takes about 30 minutes once the patient is anesthetized.

Many doctors place chin implants without stabilizing them. This leads to unsatisfactory cosmetic results when the implant moves due to activation of facial muscles. This leads to “rejection” of the implant because the body views mobile objects as “foreign.” Dr. Mueller places chin implants with a micro screw to avoid this complication. If for some reason the patient wants the implant removed, it can be removed in about 15 minutes.

The recovery takes 5 – 10 days. Most people resume their normal activities within 4 – 5 days. Following the procedure, a special bandage is sometimes applied to the chin area to aid with a speedy recovery.

Pain is minimal and is controlled with medications. Bruising occurs around the chin but begins to fade within a few days. Discoloration usually disappears in two weeks.

Cheek Implants

Achieve Prominent, Youthful Cheekbones

One of the most notable signs of an aging face is the loss of volume in the midface or the area between the eyes and mouth. The fat pad that sits underneath the cheekbones begins to sag. Also, the shape of our face is determined by the underlying skeletal framework. High cheekbones have been regarded as a sign of beauty. Unfortunately, not everyone develops nice, high, prominent cheekbones. In individuals who do not have pronounced cheekbones, the drape of the skin gives the appearance of less volume and a flattened midface. When the cheeks are prominent and have volume, the face has a much more youthful appearance.

There are several different treatments to augment the cheeks, including fillers, fat, silicone (permanent) fillers, and implants. Fillers and fat last about a year and therefore are a temporary solution. The problem with fat injections is that up to 1/3 of the fat injected can be lost within the first few weeks due to breakdown and metabolism. Therefore, over-filling is necessary. Injecting fat in the cheeks (and lips for that matter) can therefore result in an asymmetry in if the early fat loss is not equal on both sides. Silicone fillers will sag over time, taking the skin with it. Cheek implants give a permanent lift and will not sag, as they are fixed to the bone with micro screws. Also, cheek implants can be easily removed. Ease of removal is important, because occasionally, implants need to be removed either because the patient wants a different size or due to some other type of injury. Dr. Mueller uses silicone implants because they feel natural and are easy to remove if necessary.

Polytetrafluoroethylene (Gore-Tex) and polyethylene implants are difficult to remove, because the surrounding tissues are able to grow into the implant. Removal of these types of implants can result in soft tissue loss and undesirable facial defects.

There are three designs of cheek (malar) implants. They are the submalar, malar shell, and combination submalar implant. The choice of which implant to use is based on the patient’s specific needs and desires. Cheek implants are commonly placed in combination with:

  • facelift,
  • blepharoplasty, and
  • chin implant procedures.
The Procedure

Cheek implants can be placed with local anesthesia or light sedation. They are placed through a small incision inside the mouth. The implant is positioned and held in place with a small micro screw so they will not move around. The incision is closed with sutures. The results are immediately evident. Some doctors simply make a small incision, slide the implant in, and close the incision. These implants eventually move around and leave an asymmetric appearance to the face. Dr. Mueller has had to remove many implants that were done in this fashion by others. The procedure to place cheek implants takes about 30 minutes per side. Swelling lasts for 2 – 4 days afterward and healing is usually completed within one week. The ability to smile and pucker normally takes about 7 – 10 days. Patients are also asked to avoid impact to this area of the face for four to six weeks.

Mandibular Angle Implants

Enhance your Jawline

A more defined jaw angle is a not uncommon request of men, particularly younger men. I am seeing more of these patients recently than ever before. This is presumably driven by the desire for increased facial angularity and jawline definition as seen in many male models.

Either male or female, the procedure is the same. An intraoral incision is used along the back part of the jaw. The large masseter muscle is lifted up along the entire angle of the jaw. Dr. Mueller only places silicone implants, as they are kinder to the surrounding tissues. Whether to drop the existing jawline by an extended implant or simply along the current jawline to be widened is a consideration. This is where a good examination is more meaningful. As with chin implants, it is very important to secure mandibular angle implants in place with micro screws. The only common complication with jaw angle implants has been when doctors do not fix the implant with screws thus causing implant migration toward the incision. This risk is completely eliminated by secure screw fixation.

The Procedure

The procedure is performed with IV sedation or IV general anesthesia. The procedure takes about an hour and our patients are on a soft diet for about a day or two. Dr. Mueller advises his patients to use ice packs for 48 hours to help with the swelling.

After surgery, there is a decrease in mouth opening for a few days to a week due to muscle inflammation and swelling. However, jaw angle implants produce a nice lower profile change that is second only to what a chin implant can do. Sometimes, for maximum effect, jaw angle implants and chin implants may be done together to accentuate the entire jawline.

Dr. Mueller can choose “stock” facial implants with careful selection of size and shape, or custom 3-D printed implants can be fabricated for a more precise fit and contour.

Learn More About Facial Implant Procedures

Transform Your Appearance

If you are considering facial implant procedures to enhance your features and achieve a more defined appearance, Dr. Mueller is here to help. To learn more about these procedures, or to schedule a consultation, Contact us today.


Schedule a Consultation

The consultation is perhaps the most important time spent between the doctor, staff, and patient. It is paramount that patients feel relaxed and be prepared to talk and listen. Some patients are nervous when it comes to talking to someone about their cosmetic concerns.

Please feel free to bring a spouse or friend along. It is always good to discuss the treatment at some point with a caregiver or support person.

We will address your concerns, and at the same time, Dr. Mueller will fully evaluate your facial features. He will then discuss the comprehensive changes of aging and the available options to improve and enhance your look. We will discuss your health history and how it relates to safe surgery and anesthesia. Please be prepared to discuss your medical history and have a list of all the medications that you are taking. This includes all supplements and over-the-counter medications. It is also important to know if you smoke and how much.

Missy-Dr. Mueller Scheduling Coordinator

Dr. Mueller always reminds patients that facial cosmetic surgery is a want or desire to look better. There are always multiple options for rejuvenation and he will discuss various treatment options. We encourage you to take notes since we will be discussing many things. We will provide you with a list of procedures we discussed as well as their costs. We want all of our patients to feel satisfied with their cosmetic surgery results.

Cosmetic Consultation

Dr. David Mueller Virginia Facial Surgery Contact Us

The Consultation

Thank you for your interest in scheduling a consultation with Dr. Mueller. Please fill out the form below, and our team will contact you to confirm your appointment.

By submitting this form, you agree to be contacted by Dr. Mueller’s office regarding your consultation request. We respect your privacy and will not share your information with any third parties.